Monday 16 May 2011

月曜日's cheesecake

Picture is of Rikuro Ojiisan's cheesecake shop in Namba, just bought the cheesecake, me and my homestay enjoyed a slice or 2 of cake and tea, delicious :D Different to the cheesecake i've grown to love but still a a happy customer. Took my camera out so I could take some snaps, i want to snap people but , i think it's weird to photograph strangers and then i think it's weird to ask.

Saturday I was a bouncer well not really but I helped out at an international party which was cool, a nice place where you get to meet people who learn English so you can gengokoukan good place to have conversation with the all so elusive Japanese person. Yes elusive even in Japan.

I did some studying for the school day which was today, for a class which I understand well. it's amazing how much you can learn when you actually enjoy what you're doing. Yes I've often said I would never go back to school but a masters in japanese and something or just a course in Japanese would be fun for me and fluency would make me super asset, so yeah im thinking about it hard.

Sunday was recovery because last trains finish at 11 and if you go out you have to wait for the first train at 5am. So you can dance all night till the trains start or you can go and sleep in Mcdonalds or some other establishment.

This wouldn't happen in london. Remember happy slaps , indeed I haven't seen so many good happy slapping opportunities in my life, but no matter how tempting it may look, happy slapping is very wrong but cruelly funny and I would never do it :D

I've just been informed that my younger brother is counting down the days to my return which is extremely touching, i'll have to bring him out here if he is anything like me which he is- basically he's almost everything like me, just lighter and less hair on the face but more on the head- anyway if he is anything like me he'll love it.

I need a shave, i wanna shave my head but i’m not sure if Ill do a good job, i need a barber. Patchy head is not a good look in my eyes.

Have I mentioned that they need to ban smoking here, like in public places, well ,yeah they do.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is awesome!
    Good lighting and composition. They def need to ban smoking in public but that might be a uphill struggle
