Sunday, 1 May 2011

お誕生日- My Birthday

Today is my birthday and I am by myself ,I don't feel like I celebrated my birthday by myself because I celebrated it in Wales just over a week ago with my Mrs.

I just slept for like 12 hours straight which is double my normal sleep time.
I blame the clubs that close when the sun rises. And my social life which seems busier than it was in London @ the moment anyway.

I hit Osaka to try and do some shopping and just hang out with one of my friends which was cool. I love Kaiten Sushi we need to sort it out in Endland without it being overly expensive.

One thing struck me on the way to and from yodoyabashi though. No mater how busy it was nobody wanted to sit next to me, and I know I didn't smell but the coldness I feel from some people gets to me. You know that if I was Japanese the space next to me would have been filled by anybody but because I am Gaijin and not a small one at that people are hesitant. I try not to let it get to me, but my skin is not thicker than anybody elses really and it got my back up a bit.

But on the contrary there are a lot of really warm people flashing smiles and giving high fives and the over friendly DUDEs at clubs gawping at your muscles. TABOO.

I think I will go to my river spot and read a book for a couple of hours. Before I go to El Rumbita to ZOuk and Salsa my evening away.


  1. Enjoy Zouk baby, happy birthday my love xx

  2. Happy birthday!Interesting post - when I was there with Nigel we didn't notice that kind of thing but that's probably because you can generally be on more of a high on holiday. I read a lot of stories on forums about the way gaijin are treated on rare occasions, I guess Japan has it's oddities like anywhere else.

    Hope the rest of the day was smashing :)

  3. Happy Belated big man, very interesting post and I look forward to more of them :)

  4. Happy belated Mr Smiler, love your spirit im sure you will change a lot of the locals opinions of gaijin

