Monday, 23 May 2011

Awaji Island and the reasons i don't play football

Friday after school sees me making my way to my friends place in Kyoto so that we can get an early night sleep for the football match in the morning we have to wake up early so what's better than going out all night and leaving yourself with about 45 minutes of deep sleep to prepare you for the day, adding this to the fact that you have as much skill with a football as a baby hippo will equate to a poor result.

Noted i slept most of the journey and missed crossing the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the wrold, but with a grand total of 2 .5 hours sleep I was ready to take on the Gaijin football world. We played 4 won 1 drew 3. I had my fair share of mistakes but more good plays than bad me thinks.

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