Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Slacked already

A week since my last post, so much for everyday-me so sorry

Not sure if i've mentioned that i gots myself Adobe CS4 like everything you'll ever need to make a go of it it the creative arts, in terms of software. so go team

I'm seriously considering retraining - and making a go of it me and my camera and my mac, making some money, getting some clients photographing events-designing some graphics- but not raves-- yeeeuck no offence- but that's long.

Have a lil project to start working on so my skills will grow- anyone got advice let me know

Had a good weekend lil bit of raving- crazy cousins at gatecrasher -I SKANK hard , bit of cinema - and a bit of chilling.

Ps if you like blood the manga -don't bother watching the film bar a few chocie seconds, the film is increibly wack- has some matrix music, below standard 300 action scenes and a story that doesn't quite fit together, it could have been great but it was -not

work is long as usual, imagining being asked to do stuff by someone who doesn't really know what they want you to give them- very gay indeed very gay.

Thai boxong was ill yesterday , I have now purchased gum shield and another ankle support and ill be back there today--


thursday tomorrow

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