Monday 22 June 2009

Week recap - boring for you

So much for keeping an everyday Journal, or whatever, now let me try and back track real quick

Wednesday- The hangover- great film - NO EXERCISE

Thursday- Jogged around Lake Wellington, then went Salsa - which was good again.

Friday - Transformers at the movies in London, yeah it was good BUT they tried to rush a storyline, they should have just left it at transforming a couple of shots and some brief flashbacks- that's what we paid to see.

Saturday - Went for a run Met up with long time friends rediscovered how property prices down the road for me are extortionate, went to Moose bar- too random on this occasion.

Sunday - In between drips and drabs of sleep I managed to do one two errands. Had Morleys Went for chinese, which kicks healthy eating right in the teeth. Too tired to drive to Leeds, so I'm still in London- working from home and also STILL waiting for my MAC which is estimated to arrive today or tomorrow, please say TODAY, please say it's TODAY!!

I'm reading a book called what I talk about when I talk about RUNNING

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