Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Friday came and I did no Salsa,

one of my Salsa friends boyfriends plays basketball and I networked my way in there so he invited me down to play in Bradford

Bare in mind I havent played properly in like 6 years and when I was young i wished to be a bball player. I had no kit what so ever so my trendy hightops came into play- needless to say the blisters on my feet are my unwanted trophies- they are black like midnight.

Im so looking forward to going away next week to Egypt never been before and I've heard good things, plus quality time with my sunflower is needed. I've had a long couple of weeks and I need some hugs XYZ.

I've had limited time to work on the Ariyo projects, but I have an exciting venture almost missed Salsa yesterday woking on it , I'm getting so neeky these days.

You know it's time to change your shop when for a split second you feel like edging your car off the M60 to give you a valid excuse for not going in.-Not that i thought about doing that.

Next weeks plan is to drift off and get darker-- read another book, as twilight is very nearly done

time for a new moon..

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