Also confirmed it that Hitachi is not the place to do an all nighter, it's not that kind of town don't get me wrong Hitachi has so many bars but unfortunately 95% of these are Snack bars- google it.
Hitachi does have many nice little spots , karaoke places restaurants of a variety , had a nice Italian last night which fits the budget, and cool bars western and Japanese. This however means that if you go out you should make sure you get the last train or you will have a long wait with little or no stimulation. There will be exceptional nights but unless you have your own party going on, you will not find one in Hitachi. MY OPINION. We will be moving the party to Mito and hit up bubble as Mito has a bit more to offer and that may be worth an all nighter.
On another note , I gots me my Sofa bed and a nice low Japanese style table delivered to me yesterday in the early hours of the A.M yesterday which was straight after the all nighter that led me to my earlier drawn conclusion. So as I have furniture I can not just move so I'm grounded in Hitachi for a bit
Last thing I need some hair clippers my transformer is not working and the razors are giving the me those ugly uncle bumps at the back of my head and they take like a week to go. Hitachi is so lacking that I haven't found any yet but I'll get some if not now then when I get my self to Kansai.
say this in a japanese accent please