Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The man in the toilet

The title reads like a horror story for little kids that has them afraid to sit on the toilet , and to be honest the truth is not far from this. In venues all around the UK lurks the man in the toilet, the man in the toilet has fully grown party goers apprehensive of making any kind of deposit in the bank of toilet. They say sometimes as you leave you can hear him " No spray ,No lay" he chants "No soap ,no hope" he wails .Ghastly isn't it.

Where do they get the lines from really? because they all say the same thing ,do they receive it in there training manual? is there a group seminar where the chief Man in the toilet presents new lyrics to the other toilet men? Freshen up for the Punani! for real. I mean if you didn't "freshen up for the punani" at home there isn't much hope for you in a dirty seedy toilet now is there.

All this advice would be pretty good before you leave your house , you could have no soap no hope on top of your door which would probably prevent some of the B.O ravers on the dancefloor.

Anyway on the other hand I know none of the toilet men really want to be toilet men but times are hard and money needs to be made, but those lines aye- they have to go my friend

i don't drink much so i usually donate a pound to the toilet man fund in exchange for peace and quiet and a chuppa chups.
it is a good idea to have a man in the toilet to keep it clean and so you can top up your deodorant or your aftershave or just to get some gum or whatever is useful and for this service i would pay a fee you know a smart pound makes sense.

How much do they make anyway?

BUT to give me towel paper to dry my hands which is the only way i can dry my hands ,because you somehow sabotaged the hand dryers and stole all the towel paper does not deserve money. I can wash my hands all by myself. I've been a big boy for a while.

Ps you got these guys in India, well at least mumbai airport and in Bangkok and probably all over the world with rhymes galore

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