Thursday 27 January 2011

Fail Blog

Today is fail blog day, i didn't post within a week of my last post as I promised myself hence the title fail blog. FAIL BLOG , I failed to BLOG lol

Anyway today is my brothers Birthday Mr 9 year old today. I got him a customised Sonic the hedgehog tracksuit courtesy of
Check her out, he loves it and is probably wearing it at school now, showing of to his friends.We all do it when we get a new thing be it shoes, car oe even partner lol

Anyway this week is the week of changes I'm not going into depth but for one I applied for time off from work and am now awaiting a decision which will just determine whether I am employed or not come autumn this year.Biggest critics my mum and dad no about my plans so that was my only concern,

Kizomba classes have been going well the friends I have coming down seem to enjoy it and I'm glad I've been able to share it with them . I have enough moves to remain original for about a 1/3rd of a song but I think my enthusiasm gets me through the rest of the song. I'm glad that there is an activity that me and my Mrs can do together and to be honest there is only one person I want to dance "Too close" withanyway so it's all good. That is an inside joke.If you want to understand then get your BUm down to KIZOMBA at the Abbey on mondays lol. I'm broadcasting it like it's a public blog but one day it may just be and anyone who looks through the archives can come.

Next two months are limbo for me and I think this year hings will change drammatically or just progress positively but I put it in Gods hands and pray that I'm guided in the right direction. I'm really looking for my place in this world of ours.

Till next week maybe baby, don't be lazy.

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