Sunday, 29 April 2012

Instant ZOMBIE

This is something I have been observing since I was a young man, in fact  since I was a young boy.
It's a strange phenomenon and if you are Male or female I'm sure you would have experienced it or witnessed it respectfully. Well next time take notice as it happens all the time.

So this isn't about Zombies rising from the dead but it is about the transformation of even the most animated XY into a brainless man walking ( which some may argue is us all the time but I digress).

What this boils down to is that in the scenario where a woman leads a man into a female clothes shop the transformation into zombie commences,  the personality side  of the male like a light switch is turned off. I feel it is an evolution of the male brain. It's like the brain is trying to save energy as it has learned that you will only be needing to use motor functions here. Any opinions should not be ones own as it could result in trouble.

As soon as you enter the shop it is your strength and tracking skills that are put into play. The excess amount of bags accompanying female is carrying are placed on your person and you must now follow your master  not letting her wander further than 2 steps away from you, so she can use you as a walking hanger. The brain does not want you to complain as you will not win so this function has been shut off.

All brain power is transferred to the areas responsible for movement so you have enough energy for zombie walking the aisles and lanes for what may seem like light years due to the zombie state you are in. Elapsed time is probably no more than 15 minutes, but what do zombies know about time?

I noticed this as I too am caught in this trance but something snapped me out of it, I think catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I remembered that I was in fact a real man. I looked around and saw mindless men, from all walks of life , but all seemed soulless following their frolicking "better halves" no more than 2 steps away. I wanted to free them but before I could think another thought I found my brain going back into shutdown.  Back to carrying and shuffling forward, magnetically drawn to the Mrs ,the Master.

The only words you can utter in this state are words of affirmation recycled from your past, " that looks great" " they suit you"  "I like them"  with half a zombie smile

When asked to form an opinion you make a random selection from the comments you have heard your partner  make and just pass them off as your own. Smile and thumbs ups are very difficult to pull off in instant Zombie state but they can be done.

If you wish to see this go to Forever 21 or somewhere like that but do this alone  but take heed you must be quick because if a solo  female catches you- it's lights out for your brain until she has no need for you in that store, and how long that is. NOBODY KNOWS.


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Weak Lee

No this not the name of a discarded Street Fighter character based on a martial artist with a matching surname.

I just didn't feel like spelling correctly, because sometimes I don't feel like spelling correctly.
I'm exercising my freedom of Speech (well text)
I take this as being my space where I can just release whatever thoughts on my mind, but I haven't been using it nearly enough. My last post was in January and Mayday Mayday is fast approaching.

Initially I said everyday I'll write on my blog, and now it seems like every quarter so now I think , i'll try a healthy once a week at least. WEEKLY which brings us back to what Bruce would have been if he never learned how to one inch punch. (if you don't get the joke look at the title and read the pening sentence and think harder)

So much has happened and I havent documented it so let me make a boring bullet point list
  • signed up for JLPT 2 exam Japanese Language Proficiency Test (yeah I need to study more and more)
  • Joined a dance performance group
  • Joined a dance project , and may have an appearance in the Big dance
  • (Surprise)
  • Started another secret side projecy
  • Another one, which I will mention when it bears shoots
  • Fixed my mac- finally
  • erm running out of things to say, - I wear a Tie sometimes at work.
 Boring right.

I prmise next time will make you smile a bit more.