Friday 4 December 2009

loner boy and the bellydancers

The title sounds like the name of a band , but this was no band my friend this was the title of my yesterday evening.

I wonder how I came across yesterday smartly dressed black man posted against the wall BIIRU in hand, uttering a word to no1. Did my shyness come across or did i look stuck up like so many of my peers told me I came across in the first year of UNI.
I'm bloody shy sometimes, among my friends and with their backing i can be loud and boisterous but ge me on my own and I will shrink like your bank account balance would if you gave your details in reply to Baba Tunde's sob story of an email.

Last night I went solo to a japanese language exchange event, ended up being a really cool night though japanese belly dancers and all.

speaking to a stranger is daunting enough for me, I mean i can ask for the time or directions BUT to strike up a convo for no reason (ahhh Kowai desuyo) Scary, for real. Multiply that feeling by the fact that you speak completely different languages and then time this by the power of shy and then you get me standing against the wall with a BIRRU.

Nice guy called danny had no problem initiating convo but as more me, the wall was my friend. With Dannys help I got talking to some guys and the conversation started to flow. Increased my japanese network by 3 which was cool, spoke a lot of nihongo as well. Bare in mind I've been doing this for a few months i have to pat myself on the back just a little.

Anyway MATA

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