Monday, 28 June 2010

le trop long voyage

I just travelled from london to Cavaillon(sud de France) by train, at the moment I've been shipped off to France n a weekly basis to make some millionaires more money. The train journey was meant to be oh so relaxing but this was far from the truth. The Eurostar leg of the journey was real good, smooth professional and on time, very Japanese- My connecting train was 1.5 hours later- that wait is the same period of time that my normal plane journey is.

And in regards to the connecting train, I ended up being on the wrong and the right train at exactly the same time. My broken Franglais helped me understand that the train was going to split at Lyon so i had to do an unnecessary mad dash.

Everything was late- I was late to pick up my car. (which is nice btw- I drank like 2 litres of litre and lost it due to stress sweat :D

only real good thing is that I got to do 3 lessons of Kanji- I'll be done by the end of the week.

this was a tired rant- call me and i'll shout at you- if im not still tired